Our Mission –

The Woman’s Club of El Paso, Inc. organized in 1894, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to providing an educational and cultural center for its members, preserving the physical integrity of its historic clubhouse, improving conditions and opportunities for women, and enhancing the quality of life in our community.


Members Only February 2025 Luncheon

Kim LaVelle, one of our fabulous members, curated a delicious meal for approx. 50 people at our February Member’s Only luncheon at the El Paso Woman’s Club. While Kim may have been a bit nervous to host the meal for such a large audience, everyone enjoyed the meal and beautiful settings so much. Kim made Salmon a la Creme Paprika over pasta and green peas. For a surprise dessert, she had a white chocolate fountain with skewers of cheese, fruit, bread, etc. Kim wants to thank her very special “partner in crime” Dr. Fay LaFon and all who helped prepare and serve the meal. Thank you, Kim, for a wonderful luncheon.


Enrique Ponce Spotify Playlist

Classical Music for Mental Imagery –

Just scan the QR code below to be taken to the wonderful Spotify playlist Enrique Ponce shared with us at our recent New Year New You Summit. Thank you so much, Enrique for sharing this beautiful compilation of classical music that will inspire emotional imagery for all of us.


New Year New You Summit

What a wonderful event! The Woman’s Club of El Paso just held a groundbreaking New Year New You Summit for healthcare providers and healthcare givers. The speakers were all so insightful and inspiring. Great chance for everyone to learn valuable techniques to fight fatigue, burn out and fully understand the impact they make in caring for others, but taking time out to care for themselves.There’s lots of fun events to look forward to this Spring at the Woman’s Club, but this event was truly one of the most fun, informative and inspiring ways to kick off 2025!


Fall Festival 2024

Board of Directors 2023 – 2024

Our 2023 – 2024 Board

On May 3rd the new Board for the Woman’s Club of El Paso was installed. Taking their positions for our 2023 – 2024 year are:
President – Sara Long
President Elect – JP Rogers
Immediate Past President – Margie Davis
1st Vice President – Jackie Morgan – Tomko
2nd Vice President – Fay LaFon
3rd Vice President – Jennie Larder
Recording Secretary – Frieda Voeks
Corresondence Secretary – Patricia Cunningham
Treasurer – Jeri Vines
Assistant Treasurer – Sharon Endlich
Parliamentarian – Lillian Crouch

Serving as Board Directors are:  Dr. Sherry Miles-Bonart, Carolyn Breck, Sonnie Gavin, Mary Railey, Cristina Palmer, Jennifer Favor-Howell, Susan Bennett, Suzanne Hobson, Pamela Round, Jane Berrier, Meyessa Collins, Jody Kotys, Yamille ”Millie” Nabhan, Dr. Olga Liguori, and Molly Downing.

Serving as Auxiliary Chairs:
Joan Forestal – Arts & Crafts
Judith Zar – Book Club
Maria Ortiz – Klein – Junior Woman’s Club of El Paso, President

“…, I was honored to be installed as the President of the Woman’s Club of El Paso.  This is an amazing opportunity to work for my historic organization, founded in 1894 and whose clubhouse is the oldest clubhouse built in the state of Texas for women (1916). My mission is to celebrate the women of the Pass, the women of the past and the women who will continue to blaze trails now and in the future. Humbled and excited, it’s the old Sara Jeanne on a new journey!”
– Sara Long