About Us
The Woman’s Club of El Paso has a rich and colorful history, and has been a vital force in the community for well over a century. Through the years, the club, its founders, and members have been a part of many firsts; however, we feel the best has yet to be written!
Anchored in our historic clubhouse, as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, we meet monthly to offer educational and cultural opportunities for the enjoyment of our members, as well as plan and execute various fundraisers to maintain our building, and positively impact the community in a variety of ways.
Our beautiful clubhouse has been the center for a variety of special events through the years, including recitals, lectures and melodramas, just to name a few. When not in use by The Woman’s Club, it can be rented for special events.
As members, we enjoy working together to maintain our historic clubhouse and improve conditions in our community. Membership is open to all women (without regard to race, creed or color) who support the mission of the Woman’s Club of El Paso. Membership is by invitation. Please contact us at wcoep@att.net or call 915-532-6131 for additional information.
Through our auxiliaries, our members have additional opportunities for enrichment and developing friendships as they learn, and work together.
Auxiliaries and The Junior Woman’s Club:
The Arts & Crafts Study Club meets the second Monday of each month at 9:30 a.m., beginning in September through May. The purpose of the Arts and Crafts is to further the interest in the study and creation of various phases of Art.
The Book Club meets the second Tuesday of each month at 10:00 a.m., beginning in September through May. The purpose of The Book Club is to further the enjoyment, reading and reviewing of books.
The Junior Woman’s Club of El Paso, an associate organization, founded in 1934, has members devoting their time and energy to local charitable organizations and social service agencies through community service projects and fundraising events.